Tuesday, February 21, 2017


        Yesterday at the Burg Grocery a lady was checking out and she displayed this beautiful golden tan. Nothing was said, but, you just knew she didn't get this "sheen" from laying in a  tanning bed for a two week stretch. Besides, who does that anymore, anyway?

        Most snow birds that will be coming back from their winter roosts will be letting us know one way or the other where they have been. That's part of going in the first place. We have to brag a little (or a lot) or you might as well stay home. 

         One thing that is always funny is having one of these returnees growling about the fact that the weather was nicer back home than along the beach down south. I remember my first time visiting Florida in the winter, I walked the beach freezing with a ski  jacket on and it was in the 60's and low 70's that week back in Iowa! The Des Moines Regiter even had a picture of a female student in a bikini sunbathing at William & Penn College in Indianola, Iowa.

         Every year after hearing all the bragging of those returning to the Burg, I so badly want to do a routine about getting ready to leave for Mauii just for a month or so for a little sun and whale watching! Ya! That's the ticket! I'm sure I'll get cold feet!


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