Sunday, February 12, 2017


       Many times, at least during the winter, when a customer, at the Burg Grocery, has purchased a fresh pineapple, I make the following remark. "so you're buying a pineapple to sit on your fireplace mantle to remind you of being somewhere warm like Hawaii!"

      Well, the other day a young woman responded that she was headed to Hawaii the first of March. Eventually that line would pay off. She preceeded to tell me what islands they would be visiting and most of their whole itinerary!

       I asked if they would be spending time on Waikiki Beach as they were going to nearby Honolulu. She didn't think so. I told her that Waikiki is the most famous and best known stretch of beach probably in the world and therefore worth putting on "the list." I really didn't get a response. Oh, well! I thought it was pretty cool!    

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