Sunday, February 26, 2017


       Yesterday, Saturday, was one of those days that I always look forward to with vigor! The early AM started  by picking up a special friend, LaVonne, and heading to a household auction in Belle Plaine, Iowa. It's so nice to have someone that also enjoys auctions and appreciating collectibles and antiques. 

        From there, we headed to a favorite eatery called Goldie's in Prairie City just a short distance east of Des Moines. After enjoying one of "the best" tenderloins in the state and with La Vonne's daughter, who joined us from from her home in Des Moines, we drove down along  scenic Red Rock Lake just north of Knoxville and headed on back east to Pella.

       The journey could not have been complete without a stop at Jaarsma's Bakery for some of the best pastries in the state including their famous Dutch Letters! Those kind of "fun" days go much too fast, but, the memory will last forever!

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