Sunday, February 19, 2017


      After I walked out of Penney's today I realized once again, most of what I purchased was black. I don't need to visit a shrink to know why I favor this color. It's weight and age. It hides the weight problem better than any other color and I think it camouflages the age and wrinkles better. If you wear a black baseball hat, it even covers up the fact that you don't have that wavy head of hair when you were a younger man still.

          Yes, it was nice when there was a time when it didn't matter what color I wore. Years ago, my younger sister bought me a cabled, white, wool sweater from Ireland. I refuse to walk around looking like a huge "snowball!" Give me credit for one thing. I will attempt to up-date my wardrobe fairly often, even though I don't "hobnob" as often!


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