Saturday, February 4, 2017


     Yesterday, I caught two older guys that hadn't seen one another for some time catching up with the latest at the Burg Grocery. The first thing they brought up was talking about the specific year they retired. It didn't seem like either one had done much since then except "being retired!"

      Next, came the surgery report and how each one of their surgeries was somehow a bigger deal than the other guys or one guy mentioned that his gall bladder surgery was more painful than his earlier hernia surgery and on and on.

       After observing these guys, which one was three years younger than myself and one was four years older, I really did feel quite good about myself. Obviously, they both looked older than myself, walked like old men, and talked like old men, but, not me, of course!

        Every time I see something like that I am more convinced to simply say, no matter how I feel to just say, "I feel fantastic!" And, compared to those two old geezers, I do!  


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