Tuesday, February 28, 2017


       This past week-end I attended the Broadway Musical, Mama Mia, at the Hancher Auditorium in Iowa City, Iowa. After many many years of attending big time sporting events and musical events one important element to the memory is proper parking. 

      By that I mean getting in and more importantly getting out in an orderly, but, yet as quickly as possible without sitting in a long line for ever. One major factor in the Mama Mia event wwas that a major street going in, Dubuque Street was involved with construction and could be trouble after the show.

       Well, I didn't just get off the turnip truck and by getting there very early before the curtain rose, I had time to study my quick exit later that night. First, I made sure I was parked facing going out and right next to the`main exit lane so I could merge right in and be on my way. 

        When the musical was over, I headed quickly out a side door exit and briskly walked to my waiting vehicle. To my somewhat surprise, I was out of there and over to Dubuque Street and out on I-80 in a matter of just a few short minutes. No delays-no issues! And, yes I did stick around for the exciting Triple encore.  Here is my best driving tip when in a similar situation. "Never look them in the eye when merging in or you are a goner!"

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