Sunday, February 12, 2017


       This past week a customer at the Burg Grocery asked what the date was while writing a check. The date was the 10th and her statement while writing was "Oh, the month is about half over and blah, blah, blah!"

      I couldn't hold it in of course! I replied that "No, the month is not about half over, but, just approx. one-third over despite February having only 28 days." Why are we always trying to rush time along, especially for those of us who are older and trying desperately to slow time down, but, to no avail. 

       This same lady when putting groceries in her vehicle had to also comment about what a warm and lovely day it was for February. Then she turned right around and commented that we would probably be getting blasted with a big storm soon! Sometimes I think I am too much of an optimist! Being around people like this only lifts me higher. As the old Philosopher once said: "Never give up, never give up That Ship!"   

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