Sunday, February 26, 2017


        This question came from my step-dad, Maurice Korte, many many years ago. He was a man of not many words, but, when he told me the following it stayed with me and has given me some lighthearted  fun over the years about Easter time. 

         The question was "How is the date of Easter determined each year?" We know as kids all we ever heard each year that Easter was "late" or it was going to be "early!" I never heard the exact reason. I have found out that after asking the question many many times each year, most people do not really know. In probably 20 years of asking the question, only 2 or 3 people have actually known the answer. 

       So listen up Pilgrim, you just may learn something worth knowing, at least this time of year.
"Easter Day is usually the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon occurring on or after the March Equinox." So whatever you have heard or thought, now you know the correct answer. But, most of us will continue to keep saying: "Easter is late this year!" 

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