Tuesday, February 7, 2017


        Years ago I started skipping the giving flowers on Valentine's Day. My reasoning was that it was the only holiday that prices were extremely raised and I just felt that flower shops were taking advantage and knowing that most men would pay the "over pricing" because we all know your sweety is worth it!. 

        I got so I waited till the week after or the week before before the price hike. Don't get me wrong, I am not or never have been frugal or cheap-skate when it comes to giving to my sweetheart. Quite to the contrary. I used to give flowers for no reason. And, lots of times I have gone way beyond what my budget really allowed. 

        Besides, I normally go out for a nice dinner somewhere and all the rest. I just resent jacking those prices at a very vulnerable time. The only thing that compares is picking out everything  at a funeral home when a loved one passes! They know they gotcha!

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