Saturday, February 4, 2017


        I always love reading articles in the newspaper that pertain to my personal health, especially at my older age. An article from the Miami Herald dealt with coffee and how it may help you live longer.

      According to scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine, drinking coffee might help protect older people against inflammation, which is what ultimately causes many age-related diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, joint problems, Alzheimer's and many types of cancer.

       I am not going in to any further as you can google up the article and read further. But, it always makes me feel good when I read something that relates to my health and at my age. Sometimes, I feel that drinking my two or three cups of coffee each day may be harming me. And, I know a lot of you have never touched the stuff and probably are running marathons! At least it made me feel good if only for a short time. 

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