Saturday, February 18, 2017


       Friday a guy came into Burg Grocery with this "C" baseball cap. After talking to him a little on the way to his car I knew he was from either Chicago, or maybe the Milwaukee area. He sounded just like the "Swerski's Super Fans" routines from Saturday Night Live years ago. The likes of George Wendt and John Goodman played these Bears fans and with their never to be forgotten accents. 

       The guy that I helped out didn't realize that he really had an accent although he did admit sometimes people looked at him a little strange in this area. I mentioned to him I was not making fun of his accent, but, due to traveling the country quite a bit, I have always found accents fascinating and enjoyable. If we all talked like a lot of us mid-westerners, it would be a little dull!

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