Tuesday, February 14, 2017


       It's funny how some things stick with you all through your life even though they may seem odd or trivial. The following are some things that have stayed with me now that I am in that "Senior" category. 

        A couple of things that I observed when I was a young man was first, old men using those little plastic coin purses and constantly counting out coins. To this day I still haven't done that. I always just pay with bills and take the change hone and put it in a piggy bank! And secondly,  I finally purchased a Lazy Boy Chair this past year. I always said that to purchase one, you knew you were getting old. 

        One thing I still try to do today is buy newer clothes more frequently than needed. It seems my impression of my Grandma's and those`of that generation was one that they always seemed to dress and look older. It seemed those in their 50's looked like those in their 80's or older today. `

         Another thing is trying to keep my home and decor somewhat "updated." It always seemed that furniture and decorating appeared to be "ancient" in those relative's homes. Maybe it's all unimportant in the big picture, but, if I suddenly leave this planet, I want family to think that even as an old man I was still "with it" to some degree! That reminds me, I need to buy some new hand towels for the kitchen!

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