Thursday, February 9, 2017


       I have been hooked on all the political news ever since Donald Trump entered the scene over a year ago. It had been some time since I have enjoyed just watching "normal" network drama or sitcom shows. I mainly had reverted to watching old movies or cable series like The "Boardwalk Empire."

        Then when Trump came along, the timing could not have been any better. It was like watching a "soup opera" series mixed together with a sporting event. In less than a month into the new Trump administration, nothing beats all this action that can be caught on MSNBC, CNN, or FOX. 

          I find myself at times cheering, and, at other times I am swearing or booing at the TV. And, to make matters worse, I can't wait to get up in the morning to see if I have missed any of the action while I was sleeping. Even driving to my part time job, which only takes 5-10 minutes, I can tune into the latest on my sirius XM radio. 

        New political stories can't stay ahead of my constant watching so sometimes I watch old Law & Order, Old Johnny Carson, or Seinfeld re-runs just to escape. I have even taken up reading actual books just to divert my attention from all this nonsense in Washington DC. I'm not sure who is winning this Political Super Bowl by score, but, I don't really care. It will be interesting to see who burns out first--me, Trump, the media/Democrats?

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