Sunday, February 19, 2017


       On Friday a lady at the Burg Grocery asked me what I was having for supper. I mentioned  I was simply going to slow cook a small rump roast that I was thinking about for the past few days. Even though, the whole town was going to be grilling out due to the unseasonable warm weather in mid February.  

        Her reply was that she was going to have some kind of left-overs. I re-acted by saying that no, no, you can't have left-overs on a week-end night. Not Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The Friday night meal should be something special as it kicks off a time to celebrate the end of a work week or at least by going to your favorite pizza joint or fixing your favorite pizza pie or taco's at home. 

       Saturday night dining should be a time to go out with that special some-one or a family event. And, then Sunday is a time for at least that special family meal at noon all while gathering around the dining room table. If there is a time on the week-end for left-overs, it would be maybe Sunday evening. Left-overs are meant to be eaten normally Tuesday through Thursday. Yes I know! Sometimes, I also think I'm from another planet!  

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