Tuesday, February 28, 2017


        This musical group was popular back in the late 1950's and early 60's. I still have their original "45"(the vinyl record with the big hole) of "Little Darlin' and The Stroll." Way back then, you sometimes heard them on the radio or bought the record, but, never saw them on TV to know what they looked like.

         One Sunday night they appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. I was shocked when they came out because from their sound, I always thought they were "Black." To my surprise, they were a group of  guys from Canada. I think at the time I was not only surprised, but, in some way disappointed! 

          Think what the Black audience thought when they saw Buddy Holly for the first time at the Apollo Theater and he didn't realize either what the audience was going to be! How times have changed!


       This time of year I always look forward to attending a "good" fish fry prior to Easter. For years while living in Marshalltown, I would attend the Friday night fish fry put on by the Knights of Columbus. That was a great one and  I usually went two or three times.

        After attending a "fish boil" a couple of years ago while traveling in Wisconsin, I hope` maybe I can locate one here in Iowa and not too far away from Williamsburg. I may be able to find one in northern Iowa somewhere I hope. If anyone of you are aware of one please send me an e mail or text me. dennisnowandago.blogspot.com or 319-330-8818.


       This past week, we have had a special on Junior Mints. It reminded me of one of the funnier "bits" from the Jerry Seinfeld Show. The scene was  Cosmo Kramer and Jerry watching surgery being performed from the balcony in an operating room at a hospital.

       Kramer is sitting there eating from a box of Junior Mints and offers one to Jerry. Jerry refuses Kramer's constant offer and knocks one of the mints from Kramer's fingers and it falls  into the "opening" of the patient having surgery! I loved that show about "nothing!"


      I know I am a traveling fool and have probably traveled in my life when I shouldn't have. But, when I hear the following incident, I just have to shake my head and say what are you waiting on!

      A lady, who is a regular, was checking out at the Burg Grocery and was talking about her husband's upcoming "retirement." The clerk, who knew her, asked her that since both would be retired what they would do then. The lady mentioned that they would probably do a little traveling. 

       Big mouth Dennis had to ask something like--"You haven't done any traveling yet?" Her reply to me and with a very stern look was-- "We are not retired yet!" From there, I did keep my mouth shut! Maybe it is a good thing everybody is not out there traveling. Those highways would be way too crowded!


       When I ordered my ticket for Mama Mia way back in July of 2016, I not only wanted to see the live production of it for the third time, but, wanted to see Hancher Auditorium after its remodeling from the flood of 2008. 

       I was not disappointed! After living in Des Moines for many years attending many many events at the Civic Center, all I can say is that the Civic Center is still cool, but, Hancher is way way Cool! All I can say is if you ever get the opportunity to attend a performance of any kind there, you are in a real treat. 

         While Hancher seats only about 1,800 and the Civic Center seats 2,700, it does have a much warmer feel with the softer tans, browns, wood tones, and big city theater charm of the multiple balconies. We may be "just" from Iowa, but, we have lots to offer when it comes to "Culture!"  


         Yesterday at the Burg Grocery, one of the clerks told the story about this older guy that was ready to check out. The clerk asked him if he wanted "paper or plastic!" He replied that he was gong to pay with his credit card. The clerk replied that she was making reference to bagging his groceries in paper or plastic. His reply then was something like---"Oh, are you still using paper?"


       This past week-end I attended the Broadway Musical, Mama Mia, at the Hancher Auditorium in Iowa City, Iowa. After many many years of attending big time sporting events and musical events one important element to the memory is proper parking. 

      By that I mean getting in and more importantly getting out in an orderly, but, yet as quickly as possible without sitting in a long line for ever. One major factor in the Mama Mia event wwas that a major street going in, Dubuque Street was involved with construction and could be trouble after the show.

       Well, I didn't just get off the turnip truck and by getting there very early before the curtain rose, I had time to study my quick exit later that night. First, I made sure I was parked facing going out and right next to the`main exit lane so I could merge right in and be on my way. 

        When the musical was over, I headed quickly out a side door exit and briskly walked to my waiting vehicle. To my somewhat surprise, I was out of there and over to Dubuque Street and out on I-80 in a matter of just a few short minutes. No delays-no issues! And, yes I did stick around for the exciting Triple encore.  Here is my best driving tip when in a similar situation. "Never look them in the eye when merging in or you are a goner!"

Monday, February 27, 2017


     I got to Hancher in Iowa City Sunday evening for the Mama Mia performance about an hour early as I wasn't sure exactly how to get there with a lot of street construction on Dubuque Ave. The performance was at 6:30 and I decided to get something to eat to tide me over till I got home later.

       Instead of bringing a snack from home, I chose to purchase an expensive $2.75 cookie there. It appeared to be just a big cookie with chocolate spread around. As I started to eat it, I was getting a warm or hot sensation in my mouth. I went back and asked one of the young ladies attending the concession stand what was in the cookie. She informed me that there was Rosemary or ?? in it.

        Good grief! It's one thing to be stupid enough to buy a $2.75 cookie, but, for them to sell a cookie that is "packing heat" is insane! I guess I am too much of a small town guy and just wasn't prepared for a "La-De Da" cookie! I'm sorry. I like my cookies sweet! 

Sunday, February 26, 2017


       Yesterday, Saturday, was one of those days that I always look forward to with vigor! The early AM started  by picking up a special friend, LaVonne, and heading to a household auction in Belle Plaine, Iowa. It's so nice to have someone that also enjoys auctions and appreciating collectibles and antiques. 

        From there, we headed to a favorite eatery called Goldie's in Prairie City just a short distance east of Des Moines. After enjoying one of "the best" tenderloins in the state and with La Vonne's daughter, who joined us from from her home in Des Moines, we drove down along  scenic Red Rock Lake just north of Knoxville and headed on back east to Pella.

       The journey could not have been complete without a stop at Jaarsma's Bakery for some of the best pastries in the state including their famous Dutch Letters! Those kind of "fun" days go much too fast, but, the memory will last forever!


       This past week, the Burg Grocery has been selling the small Violet plants at a fairly brisk pace. Several customers have said that the reason they are buying them is because their mother had them. Oh, Ya!

           My mother had them all over it seemed as did her mother, my grandma Smith. I remember my mom having a tiered plant stand in the living room and it actually faced north from a huge front window. They got lots of indirect sunlight and always did extremely well. She gave them lots of attention, but, I am not sure she ever talked to them. 

           Through my lifetime, I never have had them around, but, I did like bigger tropical standing "manly" plants. OK,  I'm heading to the grocery store this afternoon so I hope they have one of those violet plants left!


        One thing that is always dangerous when attending a household auction that is loaded with collectibles or antiques. After decades of collecting and buying/selling "old stuff," you would think I could attend an auction and leave my hand from waving around. You would be wrong garlic breath!

      Yesterday, while attending an auction in Belle Plaine, was no exception. There were these two old porcelain wash pans and they were just sitting there calling to me. As a kid, I remember in our kitchen we had this cast iron long sink that was porcelain covered. At one end it had a ribbed draining area for dishes. In the recessed area a white porcelain wash pan was kept for washing ones hands or face. 

       The memory, and not a pleasant one, was when grit or little morsels of sand were in the bottom of the sink, and, that wash pan was moved around, even so slightly, it was worse than fingernails on a chalk-board! And, why did I have to actually buy that stupid old wash pan/bowl? I didn't need that $5.00 anyway I guess!


        This question came from my step-dad, Maurice Korte, many many years ago. He was a man of not many words, but, when he told me the following it stayed with me and has given me some lighthearted  fun over the years about Easter time. 

         The question was "How is the date of Easter determined each year?" We know as kids all we ever heard each year that Easter was "late" or it was going to be "early!" I never heard the exact reason. I have found out that after asking the question many many times each year, most people do not really know. In probably 20 years of asking the question, only 2 or 3 people have actually known the answer. 

       So listen up Pilgrim, you just may learn something worth knowing, at least this time of year.
"Easter Day is usually the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon occurring on or after the March Equinox." So whatever you have heard or thought, now you know the correct answer. But, most of us will continue to keep saying: "Easter is late this year!" 


Friday, February 24, 2017


      Here's the good news first. I spent an enjoyable dinner hour yesterday with my big sister, Doris. I picked her up and we drove to Haverhill, just south of Marshalltown, and had a couple of pizzas at the Haverhill Social Club.

        This eatery is a place that would appear once you enter some place that would be in a much larger city. And, by the time we left before 6pm on a Thursday night,  the place was already three fourths full.

        We both had individual small pizzas with sodas and I had a small salad which was a good size and good variety of veggies. The bad news came next. The pizza lacked that "something taste" that makes a pizza a pizza. Maybe it was the lack of sauce with enough oregano? Don't get me wrong we both felt the pizza was OK, but, didn't compare to Zeno's in Marshalltown. 

          Some have complained about Zeno's "greasiness" due to the uncut provolone cheese, but, the grease on this pizza was way oozing all over the place. When ordering our drinks, Doris requested a small drink and because I simply said I wanted a beverage, they brought me a large drink and refills were $1.00.

          Our bill was $37.00 which seemed quite high for just two small pizzas, a salad, and two soft drinks. The one thing that maybe upset me the most was by me not requesting specifically the size of drink, they brought me a large one. 

        I am still happy that we gave it a shot as the overall dining experience was pleasant and just being with my sister will not be forgotten for quite a while. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017


     While waiting in a short line for a stamp at the Burg Post Office, I overheard, what I thought to be a funny line and it got my day off to great start. (Remember with me it doesn't take much!)

       The gentleman ahead of me was waiting patiently while the clerk was dealing with some type of computer issue. She finally said to the guy that she appreciated his patience in the matter. In a humorous way he responded--"I really didn't have a choice in the matter did I?" After my chuckle, the clerk asked me to make sure the door didn't hit me in the rear----! The little things in life!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


        Yesterday at the Burg Grocery a lady was checking out and she displayed this beautiful golden tan. Nothing was said, but, you just knew she didn't get this "sheen" from laying in a  tanning bed for a two week stretch. Besides, who does that anymore, anyway?

        Most snow birds that will be coming back from their winter roosts will be letting us know one way or the other where they have been. That's part of going in the first place. We have to brag a little (or a lot) or you might as well stay home. 

         One thing that is always funny is having one of these returnees growling about the fact that the weather was nicer back home than along the beach down south. I remember my first time visiting Florida in the winter, I walked the beach freezing with a ski  jacket on and it was in the 60's and low 70's that week back in Iowa! The Des Moines Regiter even had a picture of a female student in a bikini sunbathing at William & Penn College in Indianola, Iowa.

         Every year after hearing all the bragging of those returning to the Burg, I so badly want to do a routine about getting ready to leave for Mauii just for a month or so for a little sun and whale watching! Ya! That's the ticket! I'm sure I'll get cold feet!



       An article worth noting, appeared in the Sunday Jobs section of the Sunday Des Moines Register this past week-end. (February 19, 2017) One of the 5 post-retirement careers to consider was the following.


          Just because you're not a mam or a foodie doesn't mean you can't blog-anyone who can tell a good story can find an audience. "If you have some skills as a writer, (blogging) makes a great career option, as it allows you to make your own schedule and write about what you know and enjoy," suggests Susan Joyce, owner and operator of Job-Hunt.org the guide for a smarter, safer job search. "If your blog is successful, this can eve`n lead to writing or editing opportunities with other publications."



Sunday, February 19, 2017


      After I walked out of Penney's today I realized once again, most of what I purchased was black. I don't need to visit a shrink to know why I favor this color. It's weight and age. It hides the weight problem better than any other color and I think it camouflages the age and wrinkles better. If you wear a black baseball hat, it even covers up the fact that you don't have that wavy head of hair when you were a younger man still.

          Yes, it was nice when there was a time when it didn't matter what color I wore. Years ago, my younger sister bought me a cabled, white, wool sweater from Ireland. I refuse to walk around looking like a huge "snowball!" Give me credit for one thing. I will attempt to up-date my wardrobe fairly often, even though I don't "hobnob" as often!



       Today I drove to the Coralville Mall for a some clothes updating at the local Penney's. I had decided before going, that I would give Popeye's a try that has a new location just south of the shopping center. The new eatery just opened in late fall or early winter of last year.

       I know they have been located around the country and especially in the south for decades. I guess we are a little slow around here, although Coralville, Iowa, the suburb to Iowa City, has dozens of chain restaurants. 

       The seed was planted to eat there by one old boy that I met at a "Ma & Pa" eatery in Arkansas one morning at breakfast time. He had been all over the place, including North Dakota. Somehow, he mentioned that his favorite chicken place without a doubt was Popeye's. Maybe it was because there wasn't one in North Dakota and he was dying to get home and have some of his favorite chicken.

       I will say that their chicken was quite good and I will probably go back some day. I'm not sure it was or is as good when "The Colonel" was in his hey day. Their biscuit was a delight! 


       On Friday a lady at the Burg Grocery asked me what I was having for supper. I mentioned  I was simply going to slow cook a small rump roast that I was thinking about for the past few days. Even though, the whole town was going to be grilling out due to the unseasonable warm weather in mid February.  

        Her reply was that she was going to have some kind of left-overs. I re-acted by saying that no, no, you can't have left-overs on a week-end night. Not Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The Friday night meal should be something special as it kicks off a time to celebrate the end of a work week or at least by going to your favorite pizza joint or fixing your favorite pizza pie or taco's at home. 

       Saturday night dining should be a time to go out with that special some-one or a family event. And, then Sunday is a time for at least that special family meal at noon all while gathering around the dining room table. If there is a time on the week-end for left-overs, it would be maybe Sunday evening. Left-overs are meant to be eaten normally Tuesday through Thursday. Yes I know! Sometimes, I also think I'm from another planet!  

Saturday, February 18, 2017


     In today's, 2/18/2017, USA Today, in the Des Moines Register, is the Headline "PLAN CALLED FOR GUARD TO TARGET IMMIGRANTS!" In the subline is--But proposal to use up to 100,000 troops was NEVER SERIOUSLY considered, administration says. It further states "There is no effort at all to round up, to utilize the National Guard to roundup illegal immigrants."

        My question is why is this even a HEADLINE? If this was never a serious issue then why was it a headline? Give me a break!



       Friday a guy came into Burg Grocery with this "C" baseball cap. After talking to him a little on the way to his car I knew he was from either Chicago, or maybe the Milwaukee area. He sounded just like the "Swerski's Super Fans" routines from Saturday Night Live years ago. The likes of George Wendt and John Goodman played these Bears fans and with their never to be forgotten accents. 

       The guy that I helped out didn't realize that he really had an accent although he did admit sometimes people looked at him a little strange in this area. I mentioned to him I was not making fun of his accent, but, due to traveling the country quite a bit, I have always found accents fascinating and enjoyable. If we all talked like a lot of us mid-westerners, it would be a little dull!


      It isn't too old to learn something new, but, this one made my ears perk up! A lady was checking out at the Burg Grocery Friday and laid this on me. I heard her mention that she was headed to Decorah, Iowa this week-end and I responded by saying that I thought it was one of the loveliest and scenic towns in Iowa. 

       She went on to say the reason for going there was for "Barn Hunting with dogs. It involves hunting RATS in PCT-plastic tubing and in bales of hay and ---! It took me back a bit as I never even heard a clue about this "sport" in my life-time. And, to think I get paid to learn this kind of stuff three times a week and, just when I think I'm running out of material!


       I heard someone say this past week, that they were going to add visiting the local winery to their Bucket List! It struck me funny, and with no dis-respect, but, shouldn't our Bucket List include things that are a little more challenging than visiting a local winery.

        Maybe if you are young and starting out with a small bucket then at least it's a start. Being in the Senior stage of life, my Bucket List includes at least traveling out of state. My big one this coming May is traveling the "Loneliest Road in America" and on to San Francisco! Another on the old list is attending a big time NASCAR race. Never been to one. Only several Indy 500 races. 

      Now there are those of you that probably would scoff at my List and are shooting for going down the Amazon in a canoe or visiting the Pyramids on camel back! I guess what is important in life is to keep reaching out and  experiencing new adventures whatever they may be. One of my most exciting thrills years ago was white water rafting down the Arkansas River below the Royal Gorge in Colorado, but, no I don't intend to Sky Dive!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


       It's funny how some things stick with you all through your life even though they may seem odd or trivial. The following are some things that have stayed with me now that I am in that "Senior" category. 

        A couple of things that I observed when I was a young man was first, old men using those little plastic coin purses and constantly counting out coins. To this day I still haven't done that. I always just pay with bills and take the change hone and put it in a piggy bank! And secondly,  I finally purchased a Lazy Boy Chair this past year. I always said that to purchase one, you knew you were getting old. 

        One thing I still try to do today is buy newer clothes more frequently than needed. It seems my impression of my Grandma's and those`of that generation was one that they always seemed to dress and look older. It seemed those in their 50's looked like those in their 80's or older today. `

         Another thing is trying to keep my home and decor somewhat "updated." It always seemed that furniture and decorating appeared to be "ancient" in those relative's homes. Maybe it's all unimportant in the big picture, but, if I suddenly leave this planet, I want family to think that even as an old man I was still "with it" to some degree! That reminds me, I need to buy some new hand towels for the kitchen!


         This past week, I put on a silly tidbit about the song "Shotgun" with the dance the "Jerk" and the Go-Go era, the mid 1960's. It later, reminded me of my sister, Deborah, during that time and her straight hair style and how she would lay her hair on the ironing board and iron away to get it straight.  

         I mentioned the hair style to a fellow employee who is about the same age as my younger sister. This lady said that she also had straight hair and used these "Big" hair curlers to straighten her hair along with using "juice cans" and would occasionally sleep with them still in or on!! 

         This proves women are absolutely the stronger sex if they will go through rituals like the above to be "attractive!" All I did with my hair, during that time was let it grow a little longer and grew longer side-burns. OK. For a while, I had a mustache, but, it came out red and after touching it up with my significant's eye-liner for a time, it got wacked!

Sunday, February 12, 2017


     Yesterday in the Des Moines Register there was an article in the business section about McDonald's test marketing a Snow Crab sandwich in the San Francisco area. It also mentioned that they had brought out in May, also in the Frisco area, "Gilmore Garlic Fries!"

       What caught my eye was that years ago, I had a good friend who lived in or near the Gilmore, California area and each year they had a Garlic Festival as much of the country's garlic comes from there. My friend mentioned that one of the big draws at the festival was "Garlic Ice-Cream!" Never did and still doesn't sound good to me, but!! Probably not many VAMPIRES near-by!


     This past week someone listed the above list on Facebook. I am sure you can pull up the entire list if interested further. I was happy to see that That Place near Conrad made the list along with Myer's Grill right here in Williamsburg, Iowa. 

      Another one on the list and worth the drive was "Canteen Lunch in the Alley" in Ottumwa, Iowa. Knowing that a lot of us original Central Iowans love Taylor's Maid-Rite, this place is also a throw back eatery.
        If you ever want to try something "really different" take a day trip over to the  Mississippi River and check out "Bonfire Pizza" in the island town of Sabula. This place and its owner is like going to a cross between a 1960's hippie hangout and a flea/antique market shop! You will be talking about this place for years! PS. To my own amazement, I have eaten at six of the eleven that made the list. ( Smitty's Tenderloin, That Place, Sneakey's Chicken, Bonfire Pizza, Canteen Lunch in the Alley, Myer's Grill and Big Dave's & Hollie's.)


       I heard the song "Shotgun" by Junior Walker and the Allstars this past week and brought back many fond memories of the mid 1960's! It was the era of Go-Go dancing and Go-Go Boots w/ mini-skirts! The TV show Hullabaloo was a major hit and the dance The Jerk and The Twist was all the rage! What a fun time! 


       Someone's grocery bill the other day was $48.48 and  the response was by the clerk; "You better buy a lottery ticket or head to the nearest casino!" This lead me to think about my own beliefs concerning habits, addictions, hobbies or interests during my golden years.

       I do see a lot of people coming into the grocery store and on a regular basis buying lottery tickets. One does assume, and not myself, that these people can afford this weekly purchase. The same can be said about those that venture to gambling casino's on a regular basis. 

       My point is I am grateful that at this stage in life,`I have very few what I would call "bad" habits. I gave up smoking and drinking alcohol  many many years ago. I never have done illegal drugs, OK, a few "doobies" during the late 1970's,  or addictive prescriptions of any kind. I never have really even enjoyed  or got hooked on casino gambling or sports betting.

        My addictions now are cooking, dining out, writing, movies, traveling, and attending auctions and buying an occasional antique or collectible. At least eating as an addiction is something, unlike alcohol, that you can remember enjoying the next day. Even if I go on a binge of buying collectibles, one can turn around and sell them for something more than a total loss, again, unlike gambling or alcohol. 

      I do understand that from a health standpoint that my biggest downfall is weight. I keep trying to get that factor under control, but, at this point, I am at least thankful that other bad habits are not a part of my lifestyle.  


       Many times, at least during the winter, when a customer, at the Burg Grocery, has purchased a fresh pineapple, I make the following remark. "so you're buying a pineapple to sit on your fireplace mantle to remind you of being somewhere warm like Hawaii!"

      Well, the other day a young woman responded that she was headed to Hawaii the first of March. Eventually that line would pay off. She preceeded to tell me what islands they would be visiting and most of their whole itinerary!

       I asked if they would be spending time on Waikiki Beach as they were going to nearby Honolulu. She didn't think so. I told her that Waikiki is the most famous and best known stretch of beach probably in the world and therefore worth putting on "the list." I really didn't get a response. Oh, well! I thought it was pretty cool!    


       This past week a customer at the Burg Grocery asked what the date was while writing a check. The date was the 10th and her statement while writing was "Oh, the month is about half over and blah, blah, blah!"

      I couldn't hold it in of course! I replied that "No, the month is not about half over, but, just approx. one-third over despite February having only 28 days." Why are we always trying to rush time along, especially for those of us who are older and trying desperately to slow time down, but, to no avail. 

       This same lady when putting groceries in her vehicle had to also comment about what a warm and lovely day it was for February. Then she turned right around and commented that we would probably be getting blasted with a big storm soon! Sometimes I think I am too much of an optimist! Being around people like this only lifts me higher. As the old Philosopher once said: "Never give up, never give up That Ship!"   

Thursday, February 9, 2017


       I have been hooked on all the political news ever since Donald Trump entered the scene over a year ago. It had been some time since I have enjoyed just watching "normal" network drama or sitcom shows. I mainly had reverted to watching old movies or cable series like The "Boardwalk Empire."

        Then when Trump came along, the timing could not have been any better. It was like watching a "soup opera" series mixed together with a sporting event. In less than a month into the new Trump administration, nothing beats all this action that can be caught on MSNBC, CNN, or FOX. 

          I find myself at times cheering, and, at other times I am swearing or booing at the TV. And, to make matters worse, I can't wait to get up in the morning to see if I have missed any of the action while I was sleeping. Even driving to my part time job, which only takes 5-10 minutes, I can tune into the latest on my sirius XM radio. 

        New political stories can't stay ahead of my constant watching so sometimes I watch old Law & Order, Old Johnny Carson, or Seinfeld re-runs just to escape. I have even taken up reading actual books just to divert my attention from all this nonsense in Washington DC. I'm not sure who is winning this Political Super Bowl by score, but, I don't really care. It will be interesting to see who burns out first--me, Trump, the media/Democrats?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


        Years ago I started skipping the giving flowers on Valentine's Day. My reasoning was that it was the only holiday that prices were extremely raised and I just felt that flower shops were taking advantage and knowing that most men would pay the "over pricing" because we all know your sweety is worth it!. 

        I got so I waited till the week after or the week before before the price hike. Don't get me wrong, I am not or never have been frugal or cheap-skate when it comes to giving to my sweetheart. Quite to the contrary. I used to give flowers for no reason. And, lots of times I have gone way beyond what my budget really allowed. 

        Besides, I normally go out for a nice dinner somewhere and all the rest. I just resent jacking those prices at a very vulnerable time. The only thing that compares is picking out everything  at a funeral home when a loved one passes! They know they gotcha!


      Last week at the Burg Grocery and after one lady bought a lot of bananas, this old song popped into my head! I always loved Harry Chapin and especially his song "Taxi." It was so sad. I was fortunate to have seen him years ago at a performance at the Civic Center in Des Moines, Iowa. His auto accident death was so untimely. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017


       If you want to have some fun with a loved one, here is a little game you can play. And, then keep it around for a great memory about yourself and so family will have something recorded about you for generations. 

       It is quite simple and I did such a list many years ago and even did one of "Unfavorite This & That! So, all I am saying is give it a try and have fun at the same time.

         To get you started here are a few examples--- Favorite color, movie, book, cartoon, sports figure by sport, flower, poem, teacher, President & TV show. The list can go on as long and diverse as you choose. It will tell something about your-self and will be treasured by loved ones for generations to come!


      This past week,I helped out an older gentleman at the Burg Grocery and we talked about why it doesn't really pay to discuss ailments. His observation was that the other guy seems to always have something much worse than yours. 

       Out of the clear blue sky he came up with this profound one liner! I have pondered it all week as I have always tried to keep my Blog on the funny side without using any type of vulgarity! But, this one I just can not help but share it because it is just plain funny and true! Here is what he said: "Just remember-- YOU CAN NEVER TRUST A FART!" 

        I apologize if I have offended anyone, but, just the way this gentleman told it in such a "matter-of-fact" way had me laughing the rest of the day!


       One, at any age, has to keep looking to the future in a positive way! If we don't then we might as well give up and visit the nearest pawn shop, purchase a gun and end it all. Part of my positive view is to be looking forward to a few things that are on my so called "Bucket List" for the year of 2017. They may not be huge goals, but, it gives me some things to look forward to when some days may not be the brightest! Other-words, what ever stage in life, we all need something to look forward to whether it be next week, next month or beyond.  


      1. A short trip to Memphis, Tennessee and experience famous Beale Street

2. Experience a big time NASCR race( Never been to one but have been to 16 Indy 500 races)

3. Attending the live performance of Mama Mia in Iowa City( will be third time)

4. Driving through North Dakota( one of only three states never have visited.)

5. Driving on the "LONELIEST ROAD IN AMERICA" and continuing on to San Francisco.

6. To visit Yosemite National Park


       Stay tuned! As the year progresses the list may grow.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


     Yesterday, I caught two older guys that hadn't seen one another for some time catching up with the latest at the Burg Grocery. The first thing they brought up was talking about the specific year they retired. It didn't seem like either one had done much since then except "being retired!"

      Next, came the surgery report and how each one of their surgeries was somehow a bigger deal than the other guys or one guy mentioned that his gall bladder surgery was more painful than his earlier hernia surgery and on and on.

       After observing these guys, which one was three years younger than myself and one was four years older, I really did feel quite good about myself. Obviously, they both looked older than myself, walked like old men, and talked like old men, but, not me, of course!

        Every time I see something like that I am more convinced to simply say, no matter how I feel to just say, "I feel fantastic!" And, compared to those two old geezers, I do!  



        I always love reading articles in the newspaper that pertain to my personal health, especially at my older age. An article from the Miami Herald dealt with coffee and how it may help you live longer.

      According to scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine, drinking coffee might help protect older people against inflammation, which is what ultimately causes many age-related diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, joint problems, Alzheimer's and many types of cancer.

       I am not going in to any further as you can google up the article and read further. But, it always makes me feel good when I read something that relates to my health and at my age. Sometimes, I feel that drinking my two or three cups of coffee each day may be harming me. And, I know a lot of you have never touched the stuff and probably are running marathons! At least it made me feel good if only for a short time. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017


     Here is just an observation. Through-out my lifetime I don't recall the word vet or vetting being used until just recently. It always seems to me that certain words may be found in the dictionary, but, just not in vogue! It has been like "transparency." I am sure you can come up with your own. There will be more and I will try to point them out!  


      This past week a guy I was assisting with his groceries jokingly said that he was parked uptown near the cit square park. I just looked at him without a flinch-no chuckle or question!?

        It reminded me of a time when I was a young boy and went into Gildner's men's clothing store while my mother waited in the car,  to pick up a pair of trousers that were being altered. The clerk looked at me and said the pants would be ready in about "three weeks!" 

       I just nodded and turned to leave the store. He immediately said--"Hey kid, I suppose you would have believed me If I would have told you that the moon was made of cheese?" From that moment on, I always waited a second or so to determine if I was being put on!