Monday, May 30, 2016


        Just a few short weeks ago, my sister, Doris,and I completed our trip to the Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado regions. It was decided by both of us, the most rewarding trip either one of us has ever under-taken in terms of all the individual "wonders" we have experienced in one trip and in such a short period of time-basically four days.

       One thing I will never forget is how many times Doris brought up a connection between the town or area and someone she knew. It reminded me of the time we went on an in state trip and she was still reciting off people she knew and where they lived as far away as Pella, Iowa.

         At some point in the trip, I asked her if I simply mentioned some town in Iowa, if she would know someone who lived there. All the above mentioned states, it seemed she knew someone from the Laurel area that moved out there or a relative of someone she knew that lived in one of these western states, even for a short period of time. Most times I would not tune in to her references, but, once in a while I caught a name and quizzed her a little more about the story! All I can say is if you ever want to know about someone from the Laurel area, their family and etc, just get a hold of my sister! She is amazing! 

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