Saturday, May 21, 2016


     One of my greatest pleasures while traveling by auto has been driving awhile in the AM, then finding that perfect little diner with the name like "Alice's" on the square of some small quaint little town. But, with several of your motels offering free breakfasts now days that has interfered with that traveling treasure somewhat.

       Last week, while with my sister, Doris, on our western journey, we were in Gillette, Wyoming, late morning and had only grabbed a pastry or two early that AM. Out of no where she mentioned that she would really like to find a place that served breakfast. My sister sometimes really surprises me sometimes and couldn't have said anything at the moment better. Glory Be!

     Our Guardian Angel was with us on this ocassion. Up ahead no more than two blocks was a Village Inn restaurant. How could that be! It was! I know what you are thinking. It wasn't small, quaint, or a place called Alice's. But, this place, I know from year's of experience, makes great breakfast Stuff! That's their middle name. Life is Good!

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