Monday, May 2, 2016


      As you progress through life and come closer to going out, you ponder occasionally on how you would have done things differently and why things like technology has passed you by. Could it be that you're not as bright as you thought you were?

      Sometimes it seems that you are the only person not communicating on the Internet, Texting, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, or owning a Smart phone. But, throughout life you come to realize that whatever the subject you are not alone. A lady I knew, used to try and convince me that most men she knew enjoyed shopping! Get out of here! I used to think I was the only guy in the world that couldn't work on a car. 

      Watching sports on TV, you would think that most men play golf. I've had several friends throughout my life that didn't play golf and they succeeded quite well. Also, when you get into antiquing, you realize someone out there is collecting about anything.

     Some time ago a friend and classmate stopped by to watch the Iowa-Iowa State football game. He asked where I got my TV and then his wife mentioned then that he didn't really want to buy a new one because his old one` was simple to operate. When he visited his kids and if they left for any reason, he would have them turn the TV on for him because he didn't know how to operate it with all the channels and various remotes. 

      I've done the same thing at my sister's home. They have satellite coverage with hundreds of channels. Usually there are three or four remotes sitting on the coffee table and I don't have a clue. By the time you read the previews to all the movies being shown, it is time to go to bed.

       Hopefully, while I am still around, they'll come up with voice activation on everything. It does make you feel good, once in a while, when you find out that you are not the only "idiot" on the planet. So many people have re-programmed my TV set and system , that I barely know how to run my own anymore!

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