Sunday, May 1, 2016


   If you are looking for a fun day trip in and around the state of Iowa, consider FLATHEADS BAR & GRILL in St. Anthony, Iowa. It has been awhile since I have been there but, I know talking to friends in the Marshalltown area it still is worth the trip. 

       It's only a short 20 minute drive northwest of Marshalltown along E-29 north to Clemons, then west two miles to St. Anthony, population 105 and probably going down. The expression "Location, Location, Location", doesn't really apply here, but, "If they build it they will come" does. 

      Friends that met me there asked how they would find the bar and grill! I just laughed! One swing around the town and look for all the newer cars sitting outside.! This is not New York City. Once inside you immediately are comfortable. A homey feel!  The two levels are not extremely large, but, roomy. The first thing you observe is how clean it is. The walls are all covered with particle board which gives the place color, warmth, and a certain glow. The many beer signs and neon are placed strategically throughout with a nice complimentary mix of antiques. The twinkly lights around gives the place an added magical feel.

     Having never been there, we decided to try the "Special" with beer fries. We also tested the small but tasty salad bar which was included. The battered shrimp was to perfection and the shrimp sauce was on the mark and exceptionally tangy. The beer fries were also crispy and tasty.

      We continued to observe , eat and observe some more and noticed the drop ceiling panels were cleverly done in business cards. And, while looking up we noticed how clean the ceiling fans were.

      They advertised that the first Saturday of the month was "All you can eat" fish fry. It is definitely worth the drive, especially on a beautiful Iowa autumn day. Oh! By the way did I mention how clean the place was!

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