Monday, May 9, 2016


     Well it finally happened today! A customer, in very close range, spoke to me in a very loud voice. I guess I knew the day would come. Even the checker noticed the uptick in the voice. 

      When I was younger, I know there had to be times when I talked louder to an older person.  With my Grandma Smith, I had to almost shout because she refused to wear hearing aids. I used to get worn out visiting her at the nursing home in her later years. But, I loved her so and it was always worth while.

     And, I know that I have talked louder to someone who doesn't speak our language very well and also would talk slower too! Like that would help them understand better. I guess I just chalk it up to one of those "closer to going out than coming in!" I still am a little upset. My HEARING is just fine!

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