Wednesday, May 18, 2016


     This story started Saturday night while returning with my sister Doris from our trip out west. She mentioned that since it was so late, she was just going to make some popcorn and then go to bed. That sounded good to me. Power of suggestion!

       I stopped at the Kum and Go convenience store at the Williamsburg exit to pick up some p-corn. All they had was the packaged type for making in a micro-wave. No old fashion regular popcorn to make the old fashion way-on the stove top. The Burg Grocery was closed as it was passed 9 PM. So I settled for potato chips. Oh well!

      Then Monday, a lady went through the check-out at the Burg Grocery with about six packages of the old fashion popcorn. She mentioned on the way out that she really loves the stuff and has some every night. She adds lots of butter and salt. Then as an added kicker, she spreads it out on a cookie sheet and puts it in the oven to make it crispy! She was slim and trim so maybe that is the answer. A popcorn diet! I'm not sure my doctor would agree!

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