Sunday, May 8, 2016


      We all have stories and experiences about too many cereals and so forth. Along that line I've always purchased traditional spaghetti sauce so I can add all my own favorite yummy's like sweet Italian sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, onions, and the like.

      One day I was looking for my jar of Ragu brand of  traditional spaghetti sauce and it wasn't there. Oh sure, there was chunky, garden, mushroom, and green peppers, three cheese, basil, garlic, and so on. No traditional! 

     I finally parked my cart down the aisle a ways back so as not to block anyone and then got down on my knees and starting at the bottom shelf, one row and one jar at a time through every brand, including all store brands, yuk! Finally! There it was. Way at the back. One jar of it left. Hallelujah!

     And, while we are on Italian food. How about a quick story on Ricotta cheese for making lasagna. At the Hy-Vee store in Marshalltown, they have stocked low fat ricotta, part skim ricotta, part skim ricotta, and of course, whole milk ricotta. And, lots of people actually like cottage cheese in their lasagna. Is this a great country or what!

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