Saturday, May 21, 2016


      Last week while my sister Doris and I were on our trip one of our major stops at Devil's Tower in eastern Wyoming. While there Doris slipped into the Gift Shop and one of her purchases was a blue baseball cap with "Devil's Tower" written on the front.

     It reminded me of a story a good friend told while skiing in Colorado years ago. He was an avid and excellent skier. In jest but at the same time he was somewhat serious, he began to explain the do's and don'ts  of wearing travel apparel. 

      First, if going to Colorado to ski you don't buy a baseball hat that says Ski Colorado! No!
If you are going to Vail you don't buy a hat that says Ski Vail! No! But, if you are at Vail and are skiing a certain area that has a difficult run that is called "Deadman's Gultch" and you can find a hat with that on it, that is the one to buy!

       When you get back home and someone asks you where and what is "Deadman's Gultch? You can say in a "flippant" manner, it's at Vail, of course! But, it is OK if my big sister wants to wear her new hat that says "Devil's Tower" AT The Devil's Tower!  

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