Sunday, May 31, 2015


      I am reminded every day going through Facebook how much effort goes into posting various information that we attempt to share with friends and relatives. We all have our own agenda so to speak.

      My agenda has been for many years is encouraging others to write about personal and family stories in short story or vignette form. If we can find the time to put funny little sayings and pictures of interesting places on Facebook, then make the time to relay some interesting treasures of years ago and/or today in written form.

     I have said this many times  that a picture is not worth a thousand words unless we know something about the picture or who the faces are in it. I know a lot of my stories don't mean a whole lot to some, but, I know from feedback that there are few out there that do enjoy them today.

      It is all about habit. If you get in to the habit of writing just a few stories a day, a week, or a month, you will have a record of family history. Someone in your family, a person years into the future that may never know, will thank you! I did. Most of us would rather read about family stories than just look at old pictures. Besides, telling a few interesting treasures about the 1950's or even 1990's will be and is already history. Who knows, by the time that great niece reads about some of your adventures of even today, 2015, it will be  "back in the good old days."

      Whether you write on a Blog form,  tid-bits on Facebook, word processor, or by long hand, just get started. You will be rewarded someday. You just may never know by whom!   

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