Sunday, May 3, 2015


      When my sister, Doris, and I get together it  seems we invariably talk about trips or vacations that we shared as kids. One of them was our family trip in 1956 to the Lusk, Wyoming area. My mother had a cousin that resided there. Their names were George and Elsie Christian.

      I was only twelve then and to me me their ranch was cool. My mom's sister, Vivian, and family also were there. My older cousin, Bob, son of my aunt Vivian, and I were allowed to sleep in the Bunk House. One night I even remember watching a tumble weed roll by in front of the bunk house. Just like in a movie western.

      The big event was getting to take a ride in George's airplane right after breakfast one morning.Did I say right after breakfast. We went up in his small single engine plane, but, it might as well been a commercial jet. After a couple of dives and turns to check out his cattle herd, the worst possible thing happened. You guessed it! No more breakfast. How could you, Dennis. I am sure that George wished the family from Iowa would have never ventured beyond South Dakota!

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