Tuesday, May 12, 2015


     Someone the other day on Facebook mentioned watching certain movies or a particular movie 100 times. I love to watch old movies, new movies, and everything in between, but, I don't recall ever watching a certain favorite "flick" 100 times.

     I am not sure that these would qualify, but, I have watched my old collection of the Three Stooges numerous times with my grandchildren. And, when the Wizard of Oz came on annually, I would watch it with my ex-wife as she loved it and had almost memorized every line from the movie.

      From there it would have to be some of my old sci-fi classics from the 1950's like the Day the Earth Stood Still, Them,  War of the World's  and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. But, even those would only have been watched a few dozen times each.

      The Godfather I and II, Good fella's, and probably a few other Mob favorites would get to the dozen range. Patton would also be up there in the running, but, my all time favorite with probably 12-15 view category would be Fargo! Never heard of it? Get out of here! Check it out! The best murder/comedy true story ?  movie to come along from the Coen Brothers. It won the Academy Award in 1997. "Ya! You Betcha!

     Sorry! I think I have only watched Gone With the Wind once!

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