Saturday, May 30, 2015


     Sometimes we just don't get it! We think or at least our brain thinks we still are in our 30's. The other day I was invited out to play a game of HORSE (basketball for you non sports fans) with my two youngest grandkids. Sounded like a lot of fun and besides in my day I wasn't bad at shooting hoops.

     First of all, I don't like being laughed at because I dribble funny. After all, I can't tell you the last time I  jogged let alone trying to run slowly while dribbling a basketball. Would someone give me credit for power walking every morning for a half hour.

     I did lose, but, not by much. I kept shooting the same bank shot and making it over and over! Of course, then, I was accused of cheating.  Hey, if it works why change it? I do need to work on that dribble though!

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