Sunday, May 3, 2015


     It's always fun to watch grand-kids in the various sporting events and to see them progress through the years. But, last Saturday was an absolute hoot!

     It was a softball game tournament, that my youngest grand-daughter, Jenna, was playing in  Iowa City. She is nine years old and well you will understand after I tell you about this particular game.

     In pitching with girls they throw under handed and have a quick windup and then release. In this game the opposing pitcher had really no control. The ball usually went sky born, or rolled in on the ground, behind the batter, at and hitting the batter, and on a few occasions the opposing  pitcher would drop the ball behind her during the windup. You had to feel sorry for her.

     The final score was 10-8 in our favor, with all the runs scored on walks. Not one single hit from our team. Not a one. That windup was sure impressive though. Just like the older girls!

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