Saturday, May 30, 2015


     Everyone that really knows me realizes that I love watching old movies, new movies and everything in between. This past week was one of those movie watching runs that I wish I could take back.

     It all started when I rented Omega Man starring Charleston Heston. I had never seen it and since I like sci-fi, I thought I would give it a shot even though I am not a big fan of Heston. Sometimes I think that even if a movie is bad maybe it will be so bad that it will be funny bad or bad funny! This was neither. He was killed at the end and should have been kicked off in the beginning.

 The other one I watched was Escape fro L.A. starring Kurt Russell. I thought this one, again never seen, had a shot because it was produced by John Carpenter of Halloween fame and also co-starred one of my all time favorite character actors, Steve Busemi of Fargo. The funny looking little guy! I didn't make it to the end. The plot was gross and as predicted just as bad as the first one-Escape from New York City or? I hope Kurt Russell is now selling his art work or anything unrelated to acting. Oh well! I'll keep trying. Sometimes this is like being a Cubs fan and you just keep wondering why! 

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