Monday, May 4, 2015


     This past Saturday, May 2, 2015, I drove my grandson, Kyler, to his baseball game in West Branch, Iowa. Somewhat a typical week-end with every grand-kid playing ball in a different town plus a Benefit going on at a local church. I was happy to be the chosen driver. I have always said that it is good to on occasion to have a little one on one time with our kids and grand-kids.

     West Branch is not that far from Williamsburg. Just a shot east in I-80, past Iowa City, then north about five miles. We were a little early for the game so we decided to check out the town as I had never been there even though traveling east on hundreds of occasions past it on I-80.

     The first thing you notice is lots of new homes. Always a good sign. The down-town had lots of antiques shops and most were well maintained as were older homes especially the Victorian style and unusual. Lots of pride. Of course it doesn't hurt to have the Hoover Library there along with being a stone throw from Iowa City. It will definitely be worth another visit with my significant some day. I am sure there is tasty bistro around there too!!   

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