Tuesday, June 2, 2015


      This past Sunday, May 31st, 2015, I attended the second performance of Melinda's Dance Studio's "Bon Voyage" 3rtd annual dance recital. My granddaughter, Jenna Thurm performed in several numbers and was outstanding as a grandparent would predict.

      Ilah and I had attended the 1st performance the night before, but, I really do enjoy the dancing of all the kids from the little ones to the seniors. So much work goes into a production like that and I just love the choreography and listening to the music, especially when a number includes an oldie but a goodie.

      On the second night and  because of the huge crowd, they added an extra row of chairs right down front and I made a bee-line and ended up front row center. The story here was about a little girl that sat behind me with her parents. Each time the lights dimmed between numbers, she would say, "Are they coming back."  This went on over and over until the  intermission.

     During the intermission, I turned and commented that it had reminded me of a time when my son was little and as a family at the time we were headed to the Ozark's in southern Missouri. From the beginning of the trip he kept asking where we were going? My reply was we are going to Sedalia. Then, the next 10 minutes the same thing. Kids. You have to love them! 

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