Sunday, May 10, 2015


     If you ever watched Jerry Seinfeld years ago, you probably remember the episode involving Elaine and Mr. Pitt, who she worked for at the time. It involved her buying socks for Mr. Pitt and the difficulty in pleasing him with the purchases of them.

     I am somewhat like Mr. Pitt, in that it took me a long time to convert to wearing ankle high socks when going casual. And, I still wear "white" short socks with shorts or longer leisure pants with my Reebok's. They are also white and just for around the house and work. I do own another pair that are grey and white if I want to jazz it up a little.

     Living in Williamsburg, one does not get too many chances so see what the cool and trendy guys my age or so are wearing. It was probably only five years ago or so that while sitting down to rest at the State Fair, I still was the only guy wearing white socks that were the traditional  lower to mid calf height. There was this one guy that was older than me that still was wearing a pair.
     For what it is worth, I still don't feel as good in these ankle high socks as the old ones. Something is missing and I feel half dressed. Oh, well! Gotta change!

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