Sunday, May 10, 2015


     When selling real-estate back in the 1980's, a lot of first time home buyers had a problem with the size of home they could afford due to at least one area and that was closet size. Most of the smaller pre World War II homes and even after, had very little closet space.

     Most of these small bungalows had small narrow closets that had just one or two rods or poles to hang clothes and were supported width wise and not length wise.  There were also a hand full of hooks or large nails to place clothes on.

     Most younger buyers at the time had been raised in their folks larger and more ample closets along with the fact that the generation of the time had a lot more clothes. They had a lot more of everything. I used to tell a potential home buyer that they could get a portable clothes closet and put in the basement to store off season clothing. That was about the only option or storing clothes in a spare bedroom.

      The closets in our large farm home had bigger closets, but, the design was the same as homes in my real estate days.  People back in those days, especially farmers, did not have as large of wardrobes as today. Even though both my parents were somewhat clothes horses, they still did not possess the wardrobes like today.

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