Tuesday, May 19, 2015


     Back in the 1960's, one of the top Italian pizza houses was a place called Bamie's on Army Post Road fairly close to the Des Moines Airport. The guy that owned it was a local Dowling graduate who had a real bizarre sense of humor.

     On my first visit there with my wife, Sandi, we sat down at one of the tables in the small cozy place and were ready to have our pizza, when Sandi noticed that her fork was not clean. She waved to "Bamie" and he came over immediately. After picking up the fork and upon examination, he wiped it under his arm pit, examined it again, and laid it done by her and said "there you go."

      On another occasion years later, I was back there and had spilled a beer at my table. After motioning to Bamie that  I needed a rag to wipe the table, from behind the bar he pitched a rag to me with very good velocity and hit me right square in the chest. That was Bamie!


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