Thursday, May 14, 2015


     This past week at the Burg Grocery, I had spotted a couple of brand new RV's sitting in the parking lot. We do get quit a bit of traffic in the store due to our proximity to the Interstate. Then, a while later a lady and her son came up to check out their groceries.

    With a little small talk, the lady indicated with a cool accent that they were from Denmark. Very quickly, it was learned that they had flown over from Denmark to Chicago and were headed to Los Angeles via first stopping at Elkhorn, Iowa and on to Mt. Rushmore then on to L.A. The stop in Elkhorn was because that town has a Danish heritage.

      Not knowing all the details about the trip here, the why and so forth, she also indicated when they get back, they were headed for Italy? My question still is how do I find a "gig" like that? They also couldn't understand bagging and carrying out their groceries. That wasn't done in Denmark. I told them it wasn't done much here either anymore!

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