Saturday, May 2, 2015


      Last week-end prior to attending a softball game that my young  grand-daughter was playing in, my significant, since could not attend, asked me to pick up some material for her at a fabric shop in the same vicinity as the sports complex in Iowa City. Piece of cake, since she had written exactly would she needed.

     This may not be in the same league as buying personal hygiene items for your sweetie or even picking up a few items at a grocery store, still, this is something out of my league and comfort zone.
      Fortunately for me and the invention of the cell phone and four calls to home base, I made it out of there without a scratch. I won't even get in to all the questions the young clerk had. That's another world. Even though my blood pressure runs low, I would not have wanted it checked after this encounter. Again, too many choices! 


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