Saturday, May 2, 2015


     Someone mentioned the other day about having trouble getting to sleep at night. I mentioned that most nights I flip to a channel, HLN, where they have a show called Forensic Files. The commentator has a very soothing voice and you actually don't have to watch it to know what's going on. It's almost like listening to a show on the radio. I usually turn over and the next thing you know is good night Dennis.

     Another guy I should have recorded for night time is Bob Ross. Remember him? He was an artist with a weekly T.V. show. He talked very softly and would show you how to brush in a little shrub or tree by the lake. After a few minutes, I was out like a light. Another one with that affect was Mr. Rogers. Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to the neighborhood! And, say sweet dreams  Dennis!

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