Sunday, May 3, 2015


     It is always somewhat amusing to listen to parents and grandparents shouting out words of encouragement at a sporting event along with instructions on what to do and not do! "Put your legs together closer, hold your bat further down, watch the ball, keep your bat further back or up or down!" If the youngster were to listen to all the instructions thrown at them during a game, it would be a wonder they could hit or catch at all.Hopefully they don't hear most of  what is yelled at them. One coach is enough!

     I always remember a friend that I was playing golf with kept giving me all these tips. Mind you, he was a good golfer and I was not. I finally told him to keep his mouth shut as I was progressively playing worse with each approaching fairway. Although, the best place to learn is at practice, I never did take lessons or get better.

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