Monday, May 11, 2015


      Each year since we moved to Williamsburg, we have put out a few pots of flowers to spiff up our front entry area. This year I told Ilah that I would like to pick out the flowers and arrange them. Since she knows me real well, she teased me about putting out my old usual favorite pink geraniums. Ya, why not!

     Then, the more I thought about it, I decided to meet the challenge, and show her I could do something different. Since, we do sell quite a selection of plants and flowers in the spring at the Burg Grocery, I spent a little time at work looking them over and trying to come up with a "game plan."

      The color theme I decided on was to be "ORANGE." It seems to be sort of an underdog color. Most people choose pinks, red, lavenders, or even yellow. Besides, one of my favorite oldie songs is "Orange Crush" song---Got my spine, got my orange crush! by R.E.M. 

     Also, just a few short years ago, orange was picked as the new "in" color for home decorating. It was settled. I decided to use three clay plain terracotta pots, and then used Disco Marietta Marigolds, Geisha Mix Celosia, and Cosmic Orange Cosmos and all of one variety in each pot. It looked so good, It even surprised myself. I will find, also, some orange impatiens for the shaded corner of the entry.

     Sometimes, the moral is that change is good and the results can even set you free somewhat! 

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