Monday, May 25, 2015


     Today a list was posted on Facebook entitled "10 Polite Things People Just Don't Do Seem To Do Anymore." Some of them people didn't do a long time ago.

      I had a good friend who was a lawyer and he was very instrumental in getting me interested in snow skiing, auto racing(Indy 500), and Iowa Hawkeye football. When we would talk on the telephone, you would always have his full attention and he would NEVER cut you off and say that he had another call to take. And, I know there were times when he had more important calls to get to.

       I always applied that technique when I was a realtor. There were lots of times when our receptionist would be announcing that I had a call on "line 2" or whatever. But, normally I attempted to give my fullest attention to the current caller before going on to the next!

       Another example of politeness was years ago when two of my favorite nephews would show up at my mother's house with their hats on-- God help them!


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