Friday, May 29, 2015


      I have said for years that there should be certain National Holidays like National Clean Off the Front Of the Refrigerator Day. All the outdated pictures and appointment cards that have been up there for years on end that should go.. Also, maybe throw in Clean Out Your Car Week! That could be a semi-annual holiday held on the 2nd day in January and July 3rd, just before the big holiday!

      Here is another one I would add to the mix. Toss Your Spice Rack Day!  I did that the other day, almost all,  and it felt darn good. Even though they started putting spices in smaller containers years ago, it seems like they still last for eternity. Especially, when you have a recipe that calls for that one spice that you know you will probably never use again.

     Some recipes I just ignore the certain spices it calls for and just let the natural flavor of other ingredients come through. If it calls for a little "heat," I just get out the old bottle of tabasco sauce. Sometimes I wonder if the person making up a certain recipe and it has so many spices listed, if their just playing with us a little. It's like CILENTRO right now. It's in and all the T.V. chefs seem to think we can't eat without it. Yes I can!

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