Saturday, May 30, 2015


      Someone at the Burg Grocery brought up about Abbott and Costello's routine of "Who's on First" the other day. No doubt, that's probably considered the best comedy routine of all time.

     My personal favorite, though, has to be the routine between Jack Benny and Mel Blanc back in the 1950's on Benny's T. V. show. If you were not aware, Mel Blanc did ALL the voices for Warner Bros. cartoons years ago. He was amazing!

     Prior and during that era, he would do guest appearances on the Jack Benny show and would do various characters. One was where Jack was in a department store at Christmas and Mel Blanc played a clerk assisting Jack with a Christmas gift purchase. Jack keeps changing his mind on the purchase and Mel has to keep rewrapping the gift time again. Until, Mel Blanc finally goes a little nuts. It's priceless.

     The best one for me was when Mel Blanc came on the show dressed as a Mexican guy complete with sombrero.  Even though Mel was a short Jewish man with terrible bags under his eyes, he could pull it off. Jack interviews him and starts with his name being Cy, followed by Si, his sister Sue and that she sows  and then that famous stare and pause of Jack Benny. I could watch that routine over and over again!

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