Monday, March 19, 2018


        This past Saturday afternoon I drove up to Gilman, Iowa to spend St. Patrick's Day with my sister Doris. At her suggestion, we drove to nearby Laurel to enjoy a Fish Fry put on by the Lion's Club in town. It was held. like lots of local events, at the Legion Hall just off Main Street or Highway 14.

            The fish and all the trimmings were excellent along with the variety of dessert items and all on a free will basis. The most important thing about attending a "back home event" is visiting with a few old friends from the community. Some, and a few that were serving, I had no idea who they were. 

          That was OK. It made me feel good to know that my sister had a chance to go around and chat with many there that she knew. I have never been a patient person, but, times like that if Doris would have gone on until they closed--I would have been there without a peep!  

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