Saturday, March 17, 2018


      I missed both first round NCAA men's big upsets. The first was Buffalo defeating Arizona and then the big #16 seed UMBS Retrievers defeat of #1 seed Virginia. That may be the biggest upset almost ever in NCAA tournament play.

          I know there are many Arizona fans out there, but, it seems that many times through the years, Arizona, when top rated, chokes in the first round or so. I loved it because I am always rooting for the underdog-most times!

         I never forgave Lute Olson for leaving Iowa and was always glad to see his defeat. On to the Virginia game, I have a special fondness for Buffalo, upstate New York and  Niagara Falls. Don't get me wrong, I would never want to live in a city that has the MOST overcast days in the USA! In conclusion, it has to be embarrassing for Virginia to be beaten by a team with the nickname---"Retrievers!"

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