Sunday, March 11, 2018


          The one thing I always hate to see at an auction sell at a very low price is a complete set of very nice china. You know the type. You may still have some or some your mother left you.  It's a 30-40 piece set of like new bone china with that etched gold band!

          Yesterday, at the household auction in Belle Plaine, I even made a friendly, no money, bet with a lady next to me as to would this particular spread would sell for. I said $20 and she said it would be $40. It did all go at $35. Such a deal.

           And, to think my mother used to only use it on very special occasions and actually had velvet bags to store them in when not in use! I'm proud to say that at least I use the newer colorful Fiesta ware for every day and special occasions--no paper plates or McDonald cups for me! 

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