Friday, March 23, 2018


        Lately with all the talk about the President putting in place tariffs on steel and aluminum, made be think of a story about an observation made many years ago. It had do while traveling through the state of New Mexico back in 1980.

          My ex-wife and I were on our way to the L.A. area to meet up with a friend who lived there and were going to attend all the Rose Bowl festivities. It seemed like everywhere we looked while traveling through New Mexico, we witnessed abandoned automobiles at every turn. 

          It really was disappointing, as it spoiled all the beauty that was there to enjoy. We were told that many of the vehicles were just left as is by the Native Americans and that hey would simply purchase another without bothering to trade! I never did understand it all.

          But, I did mention at the time if there was a way to collect them all by baling them, there would be enough metal just in New Mexico to build lots of new autos in the USA. Even today, while driving around, wherever, it seems there still are plenty of scrap metal right here in this country without having to import more from other countries and have to deal with this tariff issue! 

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