Tuesday, March 13, 2018


       Lately, I've been going to our local Library to do some printing as the printer I had in my home kept giving me fits so I just did away with it a few years ago. Many times I want to print off one of my stories from my Blog and the other day for some reason it wouldn't let me in to my Blog site.

         Thus, my dilemma! I do try to keep pretty much the same security stuff as I don't want too many choices. With passwords, user names, E mail addresses, 3 digit codes on credit and debit cards, social security number, and my best friend's name in grade school, I think I'm starting to OD on all of it as more need arises. 

         And, to think that I'm not even in to the smart phone era. I do feel pretty good that I have been able to keep up as well as I have to his point. In some ways, I have kept one foot in he past. I don't use GPS when traveling as I still enjoy just using an old fashion ATLAS.

        But, back to all the this security stuff. I'm going to just keep chugging away and doing the best I can. I just may have to hire an assistant to help me through all this. Does anyone out there know of a sharp 12 year old that needs a good part time job? Give me a call! 


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