Tuesday, March 6, 2018


        I love movies! I have been going to movies most of my adult life. My love for movies did start when I was about 10 years old when attending the 1954 Sci-Fi thriller, The Day The Earth Stood Still, with my older cousin, Bob Bueghly, in Marshalltown, Iowa, at the Strand Theater on Main Street.

       That movie scared me into dropping to the floor in the theater and holding my baseball cap over my face. But, from then on I was hooked. I have probably averaged one or two a week, including those on TV, and DVD's. 

          One advantage of now being single, I also do not have to compromise with anyone and only have to disagree with myself on choice. It was nice to know that out of nine nominated 2017 Best Pictures, I have seen four of them. I will probably never see the other five, as their content is too "Chick Flick for me or too LaDeDa, whatever that means.

      For my taste I like just plain ol' simple mysteries, some war movies,  movies with a MOB theme, Sci-Fi, but, not like most stuff today), action movies, but, more in line with old James Bond--haven't seen one of these since old James Bond.

       This past year, 2017, I did enjoy Dunkirk, The Darkest Day, The Post, and Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri--all Academy Award Nominees. Surprisingly, the one movie this past year I saw three times in one month was "The Greatest Showman." The musical movie about P.T.Barnum/Circus. I loved that movie and especially the musical number "THIS IS ME!" It is possibly the most inspirational song I have ever witnessed in a movie or at a live musical. It is a must see!   


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