Thursday, March 15, 2018


          This past week the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, got fired via Twitter or at least a telephone call and not directly from the President. It made me think of a couple of ways that do seem like a cruel way of getting the old AX!

          The first one is in baseball when a pitcher is being relieved during the game for not performing like the manager wishes. While the new pitcher walks in from the bullpen the current pitcher stands at the mound with his head hung low. , the manager comes out, takes the ball out of the starting pitcher's grasp, pats him on the rear-end, and the fired pitcher walks with shoulders slumped`and totally dejected to the showers.

         A new way and very cruel method of firing has to do with the breaking up of a "Relationship!" I'm sure we would be flabbergasted by how many guys break up with their girlfriend by simply texting or whatever current social media method that's in vogue and impersonal!      

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