Wednesday, March 14, 2018


       It seems like every morning I get up, go through all my early AM rituals, then think that maybe today I will just coast as my energy level seems below normal for some reason. But, before my morning walk, I make out my "To Do" list and then head out.

        When I start out on my walk, I even think about cutting it short as I just don't feel "up to par!" Then, as the walk progresses, I think about additional things I need to accomplish and like a train moving out from the station, I start picking up steam.

            The next thing I know, I have made my bed, mopped my kitchen floor, written a story or two on my Blog, and getting ready to head out the door to wash a few up-town windows. I have known people that can just jump out of bed with much enthusiasm and hit the floor running. 

       I do know that two factors enter in for me. First, I can't function very well until I have that first cup of coffee, and second, being a little closer to going out--- well you get the picture!   

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